Home » ColumnsNorthern fishermen hit out at politicos who make beeline to meet Indian envoy

Last week was a bit hectic for many Tamil politicos due to the visit of Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla. Many of them, even from newly formed parties tried to get an audience with him but with little success. It was said that those who met him took up the Tamil cause and issues [...]
The local Pandora power couple

My dear Niru and Thiru, Why would I write to anyone else but you this week when you are the talk of the town? Thiru, we had heard of you only in passing every now and then. Niru, we thought you quietly faded from the political scene a few years ago and that we had [...]
Don’t blame COVID for all the ills; Opposition on war path in the House

As the country continues to reel from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Opposition this week attacked the Government’s claims that it was the COVID-19 pandemic that had plunged the country into the current economic crisis, arguing that the Government’s wrong economic policies and corruption also played a part. Whilst it is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic [...]
Discrepancy between original and edited version of Salley’s presser in the spotlight

Is a travesty of justice being played out against former Western Province Governor Azath Salley? The question arises as a result of what transpired on September 24, 2021 when the bail application filed on behalf Salley was taken before Colombo High Court Judge Manjula Tillekeratne and reported in the media the following day. Indictments had [...]
Are we at a turning point in economic diplomacy and economic policies?

Recent events, diplomatic developments and foreign investments are indicative of a shift in the country’s foreign policy, foreign economic dependence and perhaps of economic policies. The unfolding of events in the next few months will reveal whether there have been changes in these pivotal issues. Important events Several events that occurred last week were of [...]
A ‘Pandora’s box’ that releases open secrets and other oddities

First the Panama Papers, then the Paradise Papers, now the Pandora Papers, next will we have the ‘Pappadum’ Papers, a wag may well cynically question? Cold logic of ‘tip of the iceberg’ disclosures That passing query has hidden meaning in Sri Lanka, given that the ‘pappadum’, a flamboyant looking and delicious tasting puff lends little [...]
Shady secrets of filthy rich fly out from Pandora’s Box

The sordid secrets of the shady rich and the extreme measures taken to stash their loot through a complex financial maze in offshore accounts were revealed last Sunday when the explosive findings of a six hundred strong battalion of investigative journalists went public. It took over 600 journalists of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists [...]
Papers, papers and still more papers

How many Sri Lankans have heard of the “Pentagon Papers”, never mind whether they have read it or not. How many still remember the scandal that erupted in the US on its release for it is a little over 50 years since the New York Times first published excerpts on June 13, 1971 followed by [...]
No political column today
The Sunday Times Political Editor’s column is not published today as he is on leave.
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