SLB targets world stage

Thilini Hendahewa
The onus place on national sports federations (NSF) to focus on international status and medal prospects resonates very audibly in the corridors of Sri Lanka Badminton (SLB). Apart from Niluka Karunaratne, who has held sway for a long time and made considerable efforts at the highest levels including the Olympics, other national players have not had the opportunity to make their presence felt.
The SLB ringmasters have decided that its time has finally come. Since the 2018/19 Interim Committee spell that put the sport in a tailspin, badminton has started and stuttered for a while especially due to the lack of international competition, something SLB wants to put right as soon as possible.
The Ministry of Sports’ High Performance Unit (MOS – HPU) has been a great impetus in this direction. While it has set ambitious target for all local athletes, SLB has been working on the same wave length for quite a while. It was among the first NSFs to create an elite squad and provide these athletes a monthly stipend as well as introduce a customised nutrition programme to ensure the long-term development of the individual player. Its stadium at Maitland Place is a hive of activity with its dedicated team of coaches and trainers taking care of the national squads daily.

Dinuka Karunaratne
As stated, the drawback of insufficient international exposure is well understood and thus the National Pool Training Committee (NPTC) has designed a structured international tournament plan that intends to put its elite players into the BWF Top 100 ranks by 2022. This key objective goes side by side with the squad that will represent Sri Lanka at the next Commonwealth and Asian Games. From then on based on the results earned, SLB will set its sights on the Paris Olympics in 2024. No small ambition this but SLB believes that with the support of the MoS – HPU, these lofty ideals can be met.
The core elite squad players in training at present are Dinuka Karunaratne, Sachin Dias, Buwaneka Gunetileke, Ranthushka Karunatilake, Rasindu Hendahewa, Viren Nettasinghe and Dumindu Abeywickrama among the men, while Thilini Hendahewa, Kavidi Sirimanna, Dilmi Dias and Ashini Fernando, head the women’s group with several young ladies vying for honours.
The talent stream is in place and the secret may well be the determination for the long haul as demonstrated by international shuttle stars, like India’s Sindhu. Niluka Karunaratne remains in contention in the international circuit and it will be interesting to see how long he can maintain the top berth with the younger Turks breathing down his neck.
It is heartening to note that the SLB selectors work closely with the NPTC ably supported by SLB President Rohan de Silva, who is as often on the court as these group of players. Watched closely by a close-knit team, there is every hope that Sri Lanka’s badminton players will be seen in action on the world stage.