Sunday Times 2
SSP Ibrahim Hamid
Ibrahim Hamid
As an alumnus of Zahira College, Colombo, I am saddened to learn of the demise of retired SSP Ibrahim Hamid on August 19.
It was the dreadful Covid-19 that snatched away the precious life of much-loved Al Haj Ibrahim Hamid. He was a gentleman par excellence and a man with a quiet and an affectionate disposition. Hamid, fondly called “Tanker Hamid” was a college rugby player and a rifle shooter. He was a few years senior to me. Punctual as usual and immaculately attired in uniform, he often met me at the Kollupitiya Mosque. I remember him voluntarily briefing us on “final nuts and bolts” just before we left for senior cadet’s camp in Diyatalawa (1966-1977).
I last met him at a wedding ceremony in Colombo and we were reminiscing about our college days. “To every man upon the earth, death cometh soon or late.”
He passed away at a time when he was rendering service and spearheading many important college projects. This irreparable loss has brought about a lacuna in our college OBA and community circles. Tanker Hamid is no more with us, yet the memories of his past will linger and always remain with us forever. No doubt that this great gentleman’s name will be inscribed in the annals of our college history.
May our duas (supplication) and prayers ease the grief of his family members through this difficult time! I pray Almighty Allah that he may grant the late Al Haj Ibrahim Hamid Jannathul Firodouse!
Brigadier (Rtd) M Z Ishrath