The fine imposed for selling rice above the stipulated price is to be increased to Rs 50,000 from the existing Rs 2,500 as a fresh measure to keep the rice prices under control, Trade Minister Bandula Gunawardena told the Sunday Times.  He said a proposal to the Cabinet would be submitted in the coming week. [...]


Rice fine to be raised to boiling point


The fine imposed for selling rice above the stipulated price is to be increased to Rs 50,000 from the existing Rs 2,500 as a fresh measure to keep the rice prices under control, Trade Minister Bandula Gunawardena told the Sunday Times. 

He said a proposal to the Cabinet would be submitted in the coming week.

The Government earlier issued a gazette notification requesting traders, wholesellers and millers to register with the Government the available stocks of rice in their possession.

However, the Sunday Times learns that the move had not drawn a favourable response and the rice prices were still high.

The Government this week approved a proposal to import 100,000 Mt of Ponni samba rice.

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