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Ready for digital combat with local historical figures

Self-taught animator Neranjan Chameera talks of how a passion turned into a job and of his latest venture that combines Lankan legends with futuristic modernity Neranjan Chameera remembers the excitement and wonder he felt when his father brought home a small Windows 95 computer when he was just 12 years old. It was the first [...]
Lather yourself in natural goodness

Ever noticed that most soaps are created with quite a few chemicals, such as lye or sodium hydroxide? In addition many of the popular brands of soap available in the local and international market, use a lot of paper and polythene in their packaging. Check out eco-conscious soapmakers intent on making their own soaps and [...]
Click on for event with well known wildlife activist and artist
Canadian artist Benjamin Van Wong will conduct ‘Igniting Conservation Through Art’ – a Wildlife and Nature Protection Society Youth Wing Skills Workshop via Zoom and FB Live on World Wildlife Day-Wednesday, March 3 at 7.30 p.m. A world-renowned artist and activist Benjamin will focus on the intersection between art and environmental activism. Benjamin’s work lies [...]
Finding the opportunities even through the challenges

The Mirror Magazine continues its series on young entrepreneurs and their journey through these pandemic times. This week we feature Sameera Nilupul, the founder of LIVEROOM. Teleporting you to another place, another world, another time all while you are seated on your home sofa is the magic behind augmented and virtual reality. Liveroom is one [...]
Can the Asus ROG Chakram redefine what a gaming mouse can do?

If you’re not already familiar with them, gaming mice offer an entirely different experience when compared to a traditional regular mouse. These differences include a much better sensor (ofr tracking across multiple surfaces), higher polling rates (the higher the rate, the more the mouse can communicate with your PC), more buttons (so that you can [...]