Home » Columns20A: Has the Govt. bitten off more than it can chew?

Ramanna and Amarapura Nikayas caught up in controversy over 20A Catholic Bishops say dump 20A and present a new testament for Lanka The 20th Amendment maybe the newest kid in town but apart from its fond parents and closest kith and kin raving nuts over the cherubic cheeks and rosy glow of the bonny offspring [...]
Corrosive politics and global pandemic

Not in living memory do current health and scientific experts remember a world trapped in the grip of a deadly virus as today’s Covid-19. There have been diseases that have engulfed some parts of the globe but never spread so widely infecting so many nations — big, medium and small nation. Right now Sri Lanka [...]
India’s elite black cat commandos train PM’s security personnel

India’s elite federal counter-terrorist force, the National Security Guard (NSG) has trained a select group of personnel attached to the Sri Lanka Prime Minister’s Security Division (PMSD), the Commando Force Chief S. S. Deswal said on Friday. According to a report by the Press Trust of India (PTI), the official Indian news agency, Mr Deswal [...]
Bargaining votes

My dear Vasu, Wije and Vidura, I thought of writing to the three of you because I heard that the three of you, perhaps for different reasons, have opposed various aspects of the proposed 20th Amendment. Now, I don’t know whether you will really oppose it when it comes to voting time, but even your [...]
Moving towards a more sustainable foreign debt
Achieving a more sustainable foreign debt profile is a national priority and economic imperative. Borrowing at high interest rates to repay debt will only worsen the country’s external financial vulnerability. International financial assistance from multilateral financial institutions and friendly countries is vital to lessen the severity of the problem, boost international confidence and prevent the [...]
Shattering Sri Lanka’s myth of ‘the great race’ in the Covid mirror

Even as frightened and hapless garment workers slaving in the multitude of factories in the Gampaha District, the epicentre of Sri Lanka’s calamitous covid-19 spread, were herded into trucks and taken like cattle to ill equipped and unsanitary quarantine camps under the impatient watch of the military this week, deeply fundamental ironies are at play. [...]
Recent events demonstrate need to build on 19A to protect public servants

One of the most conspicuous features of the deterioration of the political culture in the country is the increasing lack of trust in the institutions of governance. The entry of the word ‘deal’ into the political vocabulary reflects in more ways than one the cynicism with which the public views the actions of politicians, public [...]
Political column
The Sunday Times political commentary is not published today as our Political Editor is on leave this week. His column will appear from next week.
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