As a peace-loving patriot, I salute the nation’s victorious armed forces

Published here are extracts from a speech made by Dr Anula Wijesundere as the guest of honour at the inauguration of the annual academic sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Military Medicine on March 13, 2020. It is indeed a great honour and a privilege to be invited as the guest of honour at [...]
COVID-19: First World problems exposed

Way back in the fifties, at the height of the Cold War, the French economist and demographer Alfred Sauvy coined the term ‘The Third World’ (Le Tiers Monde). Sauvy used the term to describe those countries that were aligned neither to the First World (the Capitalist NATO bloc comprising countries such as the US, France, [...]
We are Hong Kong
LONDON – In my final speech as Hong Kong’s governor on June 30, 1997, a few hours before I left the city on Britain’s royal yacht, I remarked that, “Now, Hong Kong people are to run Hong Kong. That is the promise. And that is the unshakable destiny.” That promise was contained in the 1984 [...]