Applause for ‘choon-paan’ karayas

A ‘choon paan’ delivery
In the Ja-Ela area, families wait in the morning and afternoon until the ‘Choon-paan’ van arrives, with many clapping when he arrives.
Private sector business concerns large and small are stepping up their supply lines in this area, to keep pace with the people’s demands as far as they could.
There are lorries selling fish, lorries full of coconut and also lorries loaded with gas cylinders, but all sold at the doorstep at the controlled price.
Most importantly some of the popular super markets this morning (March 31) sent messages to their ‘purchase card’ holders through cell-phone giving their websites with the lists of fresh produce and once they are ordered the orders would be executed at the card holders door step.
Further most of the pharmacies deliver medicine to the door step once the orders are made through telephone.