Have yourself a healthy baby

By Kumudini Hettiarachchi Many birth defects are preventable and those living with birth defects can be supported to reach their optimal status, stresses Dr. Kapila Jayaratne of the Family Health Bureau Hope and joy are the harbingers of a birth, with the parents and relatives thinking of the future with great expectation. The preparation for [...]
Here’s to a healthy, longer life!

The Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine last year released a comprehensive manual ‘Aid for Healthy Ageing’ with the aim of empowering the older generation with knowledge to faciliate a healthy and longer life.The writers/resource persons were drawn from the respective Medical Colleges. Starting this March, MediScene will publish extracts from the book. Early Detection [...]
COVID-19: How do we prepare for the worst?

It’s been about 70 days since we learnt about a new deadly respiratory virus from Wuhan, China. COVID-19 has (at the time of writing) caused more than 3600 reported deaths out of over 100,000 reported cases globally. In the US, over 19 deaths and 400 cases have been reported, that include 70 cases repatriated to [...]
Are you listening?

A recent US study showed that on average doctors listen for only 11 seconds before interrupting their patients. Other studies have shown that a doctor who listens for one minute silently elicits significantly more quality information. Outside a doctor’s office listening is an important aspect of human interaction. With the rise of digital media and [...]
Yoga as a path to wholeness

In times of mounting stress, who do you call? I ventured into formal yoga lessons at the turn of the millennium in response to frequent bouts of influenza and insomnia caused by workstress. Discarding a DIY philosophy of sporadic yoga practice at home, I took my first formal lesson with an Indian yoga master in [...]