Should Sri Lanka be worried about nanoplastic?

Plastic is everywhere and has become an integral part of our everyday life. Over the last two decades or so, the consumption of plastic has been drastically increased around the world due to its versatility, lightweight, ease of molding, strongness, pliability, chemical and biological inertness, and economical production cost. Plastic inspires technological innovations and is [...]
“Clean coal” is neither clean nor cheap

Honourable Minister, The proposed “ Clean Coal “ power plant can only reduce the coal used to generate a unit of electricity by about 14% by operating at very high pressures and temperatures. This will increase the capital cost of the plant by at least 100% and also the Operation and Maintenance costs significantly. There [...]
Hidden humanism: A moving story by a bystander

We have read epic stories of war heroes (Kamal Gunaratne et al) who fought the Ealam war and they are still a part of our living memory. We have also read stories of girls and boys (Kamalini et al) who fought on the other side of battlefield (wrongly) believing that they were making the ultimate [...]
How truth survived 2019
LONDON – “Truthiness,” a concept coined by the American comedian Stephen Colbert, involves saying things that you want to believe are true even if there is no factual evidence to support these assertions. And without doubt, truthiness has had a great run in 2019 – from US President Donald Trump’s Washington, to the Brexit campaign [...]
Wishing You a Very Wishful New Year
Twenty-Nineteen was ‘The Most Promising Year’ in Lanka’s political history with Sajith Premadasa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa bidding furiously against each other like at an auction sale. Rajapaksa won for other reasons and not for the stupendous promises made, some of his ardent supporters say, but, on no account, can he dismiss the promises made like [...]