The face that pulled millions of heartstrings now a father of two

Another little replica of his father, he is a great poser, showing much fascination with the camera and directing his gaze straight at it with a big smile and bigger beautiful eyes. As the little one, who has just celebrated his first birthday, leans down from his mother’s arms and naughtily tugs the hair of [...]
Letters to the Editor
A nation in a hurry: The travails of driving in Lanka We as a nation have fallen to the doldrums of indecency and intolerance when driving. Everyone sans a few decent individuals constantly and blatantly violates the traffic rules and regulations. We have forgotten courtesies and respect for others and “the right of way” has [...]

An exceptional professional and human being Prasanna Jayawardena The passing of Justice Prasanna Jayawardena, an eminent lawyer and judge of the Supreme Court, shocked and saddened many from all walks of life. Prasanna earned the respect not only of lawyers and his judicial colleagues, but also of others with whom he interacted. Some of his [...]
Tales of Lionel and Harold

Alfred House was where things should have begun- with Harold Peiris and Peggy Keyt entertaining all Colombo that counts – with ‘naughty’ music hall numbers from Drury Lane on the piano; or it could have begun at the Wendt family residence at Guildford Crescent- where a young colossus called Lionel was contributing greatly to shaping [...]
A tea trail through the mists of time

Nestled in Hantana, overlooking the Knuckles mountain range, the Ceylon Tea Museum is just four kilometres away from Kandy City. The location is significant as Hantana is one of the first areas where tea cultivation was successfully started after the failure of coffee plantation. The old Hantana Tea Factory built in 1925 was revamped into [...]
A Sunday seafood buffet that’s worth a drive to Negombo!

Negombo has always been known for its mouthwatering food and fishing community. The seaside town, which is easily accessible from Colombo via the Airport highway, has fast grown into a cosmopolitan hub with a robust tourist industry. It is in this setting that Heritance Negombo recently launched their special Sunday Seafood buffet ‘Let’s Sea’. Priced [...]
Janani’s Golden Roses in Spain

Janani Cooray ambles down Borella in a shimmering creation that stops the traffic. When she draws near, you see that she is in a Kandyan saree- yet what a parody of the saree the old matriarchs used to drape with regal grace and the trailing pethi mala and agasti mala! Janani’s saree is a jacket [...]