Too good to eat!

Multi-coloured mermaid tails, with gold detailing and cookies influenced by just anything and everything – TV shows, movies and books. Lotsa Dough’s custom cookies have something for everyone, although you might feel eating them is a shame since they look so beautiful. Simply not just cookies, Lotsa Dough creates edible art. Lotsa Dough started seven [...]
Weaving her own little web of handmade craft
Yashi Silva always had a penchant for handcraft ever since she was young. Now as an adult, wanting to do something with her passion, she started an online store, ‘Cobwebs Craft’ on Instagram a mere six months ago. The online platform allows her to sell her handmade products which include but are not limited to [...]
Cheers to Hamlet at Elsie’s Bar

We can’t get away from Shakespeare. His plays, sonnets, ideas and words are omnipresent in our culture and to resist is futile. But, who is this man really? And where do his ideas comes from? Feroze Kamardeen (Pusswedilla, Freddy) takes a stab at answering this with ‘Hamlet at Elsie’s’ Bar’. An original musical comedy that [...]