Making a buzz with science

Clear and strong are the calls for STEM, gathering momentum from across the globe. STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has been the very focus of a group which got-together to promote just that in Sri Lanka not yesterday or today but 75 years ago. Buried in the dim mists of time are the [...]
The way we were: A walk through the mists of time

Remember those stories your parents and grandparents would relate about how your neighbourhood used to look like when they were growing up? Or about Colombo’s colonial landmarks? Ever wanted to know what it was really like back then? With a little help from Historical Dialogue’s Memory Walk series, you can get to know how some [...]
Letters to the Editor

Train drivers seem ignorant of horning rule that could save lives I was shocked and dismayed at the statement of the Loco Engineers ( Op) Union Secretary in the article in the Sunday Times on July 21 saying that the horns in trains are used for communication codes between the engine driver and the station [...]

Driven by commitment and compassion he helped the needy Vishwanath Vedage Vishwanath Vedage, known to all his friends and family as “Vish”, was born on November 29, 1947 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the oldest of five siblings. He was initially educated at Greenlands College from 1953, and then joined Royal College, Colombo, in 1959 to [...]
All kinds of everything with the common coconut

It was in 2012 that Harindra Mahakumara read a newspaper article that stated that 50,000 litres of coconut water go to waste each day as a byproduct of the coconut industry. Upon research he realised that canned tender coconut water (kurumba) is popular in the international market. His first product was bottled kurumba water which [...]
Sumithrayo playing big role in bringing down rate of suicides

Sri Lanka is currently in between 25-29 in the world suicide ranking, according to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, it was revealed by Sri Lanka Sumithrayo at a media briefing on August 27 at the Mel Medura adjoining Sumithrayo at Horton Place, Colombo. In 1995 Sri Lanka had the highest suicide rate in the world [...]
Cancer Society’s Op Shop celebrates one year with a sale

The Sri Lanka Cancer Society Op Shop celebrates its first anniversary with a grand sale on September 6 from 10.30 a.m. onwards at the Sri Lanka Cancer Society, 37/25 Bullers Lane, Colombo 7. Starting at 8.30 a.m., the sale will also have a breakfast morning with a Sri Lankan breakfast menu of milk rice, roti, [...]
Run to Remember: Alzheimer’s Foundation hopes for bigger participation this year
World Alzheimer’s Month is celebrated worldwide in September. Sri Lanka also joins in with the Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation organizing its first event for the month – Run to Remember on Saturday, September 7. On its fifth year, the event is hosted by the Taj Samudra Hotel – where the Run kicks off at 4 p.m. [...]
“We Remember”: SOSL strikes a sombre note

The SOSL returns to its regular concert schedule this September, with a concert dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives in the Easter attacks, and in aid of those who live in the aftermath. “We Remember” takes place at the Lionel Wendt theatre on September 15 and is directed by the SOSL’s [...]
There is deep love and gratitude in this memoir

This memoir of an unrepentant dark-skinned girl has captured a new vibe: social consciousness meets corporate zeal meets ohé! Miles Young, the former worldwide chairman of Ogilvy & Mather locates it in his foreword: ‘Neither overtly traditional nor modern, it is anchored in a Buddhist ‘via’ media’, ‘she defines womanism as a third legitimate territory [...]
Rajakaruna’s journey with the lens over the years

‘Another world unveiled’, veteran photographer Henry Rajakaruna’s eighth solo exhibition will be held from September 7-9 at the JDA Perera Gallery. The exhibition will showcase three separate genres of Rajakaruna’s expert photography-Portraits of Humanity which includes street photography, Photo Stories and Essays as well as the Art of Blur. Rajakaruna’s aim is to showcase how [...]
Those 70s legends at KCC
A memorable music tribute, a live in – unplugged show of the 70s legends; C.T. Fernando, H.R. Jothipala, Wally Bastiansz and Clarence Wijewardena by Nalin Perera and the Marians presented by Kandy City Centre (KCC) will be held on Saturday, September 7 from 7 p.m. at KCC premises. It will be the first appearance of [...]