Good riddance to GERD
Heartburn, belching and vomiting, it’s all part of the condition which makes many men and women miserable and if neglected may lead to serious consequences. Caused when the acid in the stomach, without going into the intestines, comes up to the oesophagus (the long, muscular tube which links the mouth to the stomach), numerous are [...]
Poorly behaved children? Blame it on mobile phones
Parents who have an addiction to their mobile phones may be to blame for their poorly behaved children, research claims. Scientists have uncovered a trend between excessive use of the devices by mums and dads and behavioural problems in youngsters. Almost 200 families were involved in the study of ‘technoference’ – interruptions in face-to-face interactions [...]
Using ACT to manage life’s problems

Life is uncertain. One moment it is going swimmingly well and the next moment, disaster strikes and we are floundering and drowning. The disasters can take many forms from road accidents, serious illnesses, a breakdown in relationships to the death of a loved one. This month I will discuss a new therapy based on the [...]
Losing weight the pressure points way

There are no large photographs of before and after – only passport size ones on the pages of a fat folder. Each page dedicated to an individual says it all – the usual details of name, age and contact details along with another vital piece of information: The weight. Right below is a box, with [...]
The caffeine jolt: Can you do without it?

It is by far, our most popular, addictive stimulant. Mainly found in coffee, some of us need it many times a day, some just once or twice, some drink it socially while a few of us do not like it. A naturally occurring, bitter substance, caffeine usually kicks in about 15 to 20 minutes after [...]
Importance of AT and RT in battle against Diabetes

It is the scourge of modern society and Sri Lanka is no exception. The spectre of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus looms large, closely linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD). With rising global mortality (deaths) due to diabetes, there is double jeopardy for those living in South Asia, which is home to almost one-fifth of the world’s [...]
Veggie goodness of green and perfect white

Today we will look at the many vegetables that are fresh and green on the outside in varying patterns and perfectly white inside. It is this white that we will be mostly interested in when it comes to our food on the table. These vegetables do not belong to any one family or do not [...]