Why host the World Cup?

NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS – Whom would you trust more, Russian President Vladimir Putin or Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel? Whereas Putin is revelling in the attention that Russia is receiving as host of the 2018 World Cup, Emanuel has informed the US Soccer Federation and FIFA that Chicago has no interest in serving as a host city [...]
Season of the Dragon Boat Festival

The fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year is an important day for the Chinese People. The day is called Duan Wu Festival or Dragon Boat Festival,celebrated everywhere in China.This year this day fell on June 18. This festival dates back to about 2000 years ago,with a number of legends explaining its [...]
Prof. Liyanage new head of Institute of Chemistry

Prof. Sudantha Liyanage, the newly inducted President of the Institute of Chemistry Ceylon, being congratulated by the institute’s outgoing President, Dr. Poshitha Premarathne. Left: Prof. Liyanage is seen addressing the members of institute.
Kirullapone Mihindu Perahera
The Annual Mihindu Perahera of the Kirullapone Sri Pushparamaya was held recently. Western Provincial Councillor and the UNP’s Borella Chief Organiser Jayantha de Silva is seen placing the Datu Karanduwa on a receptacle as Chief Incumbent Ven. Elkaduwe Nagitha Thera looks on.
Dudley: The principled leader who was never power hungry

Though I had seen Hon. Dudley Senanayake speaking in meetings, my first face to face meeting with him took place in 1970. Given that it was immediately after United National Party’s crushing defeat at the general election, he was in a very sombre mood. As a group of student representatives from Ananda College we met [...]
Childhood memories : A time of sea and steam rail engines

I was born in Mount Lavinia by the sea into the salt wind, sea sounds and rumbling steam engines. My father was an advocate who made his family nest at Beach Road in a house procured for a princely rent of forty rupees per month in 1938. Born a weak child with a bleak physical [...]
Which anti-poverty policies work?
VIJAYAWADA, INDIA – Some policies seem so altruistic that it is almost impossible to imagine any objection to them. For example, lending small amounts of money or writing off debts to help the extreme poor are intended to help the most vulnerable, and both approaches seem entirely sensible. However, scrutiny reveals these well-intentioned policies to [...]