Tanya: ‘Brown slave girl’

Sri Lankan-born Tanya Selvaratnam is one of the four women accusing Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General till Tuesday, of sexual harassment. Here is how the prestigious New New Yorker magazine’s Jane Mayer and Ronan Farrow reported Tanya’s troubled relationship with Schneiderman, a supporter of the #MeToo movement. Tanya Selvaratnam is the author of “The [...]
When the state shipping body was on the crest of a wave

Rohan Wijeyaratna’s undertaking of bringing to life the story of Sri Lanka’s one time pride and joy, the state-owned and operated Ceylon Shipping Corporation (CSC), has not only been daunting but remains a true labour of love. I have shared part of the journey with him, and I had the honour of receiving one of [...]
Israel has no real desire for armed conflict with Iran, but Trump might stumble into war
Israel has launched its biggest attack ever on Iranian forces in Syria. This is a serious development, but reports of the entire Middle East being on the verge of all-out war fail to fully appreciate the motives and intentions of the various players. Looked at from the Israeli point of view, it is an excellent [...]
Bringing gender equality to global public health
NEW YORK – Over the past few decades, the international community has tasked itself with achieving a wide range of social and environmental objectives, many of which are enshrined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for 2030. We have advocated for many of these goals, as well as similar efforts that preceded the [...]
Is your workplace a safe place?

How many of us are actually familiar with the fire exits of our workplaces? How many of us actually know to handle a fire extinguisher? How many factory workers are capable of preventing or mitigating accidents? The bitter truth is that we take safety at work for granted. The recent toxic gas inhalation tragedy in [...]
Serpentine Road residents receive deeds

A ceremony was organised by the National Housing Development Authority recently to present deeds to residents of Serpentine Road in Borella. Western Provincial Councillor and Borella’s Chief UNP organiser Jayantha de Silva who presided at the ceremony is seen here presenting the deeds to a resident, as NHDA officials look on.
Blood donation campaign for peace
In a bid to promote peace and reconciliation among communities, a blood donation programme will be held at the Jaya Badrakali Amman Kovil, Jaffna on May 29, the Poson Poya Day, the organiser of the event Deeman Ananda said.
China and the Future of Democracy
LONDON – Will China soon be the world’s leading economic and geopolitical power? Has it achieved this status already, as some suppose? And if the answer to either question is yes, what are the global implications for the future of democracy? The indicators of China’s rise are clear. China is poised to overtake the United [...]