CA Sri Lanka’s YCAF guiding young chartered accountants
View(s):The Young Chartered Accountants Forum (YCAF) of CA Sri Lanka has taken the lead to inculcate the necessary skills among young Chartered Accountants to help them achieve success as globally sought after professionals.

CA Sri Lanka YCAF career guidance workshop in session.
For this purpose, YCAF recently organised a career guidance workshop to help the young Chartered Accountants transit from trainees to fully fledged finance professionals and excel in their careers. The workshop was conducted by a pool of renowned resource personnel and was designed with a view of equipping the young Chartered Accountants with the desired skills and attitudes required in the current context. The workshop covered inherent powers of professional presence, importance of grooming and etiquette and how to get rid of interview jitters, the institute said in a media release.
The sessions were conducted by executive coach Ms. Loretta Gunawardene, as well as Ms. Andrea Jayathilake, Director of Smart Quest (Pvt) Ltd, and Suran Wijesinghe, Group Financial Controller of John Keells Holdings PLC who shared insights into the necessity for agile and vibrant leadership in the digital era.
The workshop was followed by a panel discussion on the expectations of the corporate world from young Chartered Accountants which gave insights on the most sought after questions by the young professionals.
The panel members comprised Chaaminda Kumarasiri, Chairman of H C P Consulting (Pvt) Ltd; Yogendrapasath Sathiyaseelan, Head of Finance at Supreme Global Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, and Ms. Vindya Cooray, Sector Financial Controller – Destination Management Sector at John Keells Holdings PLC. The discussion was moderated by Ms. Jani Ganeshan, Finance Manager – Ceylon Cold Stores PLC.