Home » ColumnsHoh hoh ho! Santa

My dear Santa Claus, I thought I must write to you as you prepare for your annual journey to Paradise to distribute gifts to those who deserve them. I hope you are not planning to use our train services to travel around in our lovely land because, like everything else here, you never know when [...]
Tourism minister clips wings of SLTPB chairman, appoints special advisor

Despite pressure on him even from his own political boss to do otherwise, Tourism Minister John Ameratunga insisted on the appointment of Udaya Nanayakkara as Chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) months ago. The honeymoon appears to be over. He sought to shift Mr Nanayakkara from that position but was unsuccessful. So [...]
Christmas wishes, hopes and expectations for the economy

Christmas Eve is a time for good wishes, expectation of gifts and glad tidings. What are the glad tidings, expectations and wishes for the country and the economy this Christmas? In the spirit of Christmas, the most important wish for the country is the strengthening of national unity and the ushering in of ethnic and [...]
Policy reform must follow ‘fact-finding’ exercises of the UN

Even allowing for the caustic truth of the 16th century saying that ‘what cannot be cured must be endured’, there is a limit to endurance if Sri Lanka has to undergo repeated visits of international United Nations missions without tangible benefits ensuing to the country’s long-suffering citizens. A more incisive critique needed Thus, the recent [...]
Beetle in a tea crate raises storm over lifting ban on cancer causing asbestos

At first light, at first sight and at first read, the news seemed to be a page out of Ripley’s Believe It or Not. But Lanka was forced to believe it, like it or lump it, when Russia announced its decision to cut down on its 400 million dollars worth of Ceylon Tea imports from [...]
Diplomatic cock up- leaked letter, broken law

Alice was right. It is sure getting curiouser and curiouser. No, not in her Wonderland though. It is in our wonderful land where the tragi-comedy being played out in a remote-controlled foreign ministry is turning diplomacy into a sick joke. When Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe tried from the turn of this century to make a [...]
Decisive role in local polls for new generation of 700,000 voters
Decisive role in local polls for new generation of 700,000 voters Sirisena faces tough challenge to prevent SLFP from suffering defeat and being further weakened Rising living costs cause problems for SLFP, UNP; another major issue is the failure to bring corrupt VIPs to justice International airlines consultant issues damning report on SriLankan, warning of [...]
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