Tsunami: A faded memory
View(s):In the aftermath of the tsunami which devastated the island’s coast in 2004, the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) commenced putting up signboards in coastal areas marking ‘evacuation routes’ and ‘safe sites’ in the event a disaster strikes again. Over 5,000 signboards were put up in all three languages along the country’s entire coastline. Each signboard cost Rs.15, 000/-.

Story and pix by Reka Tharangani Fonseka
Designed as a means of saving lives, these signboards today have become just another board.
Persons ranging from politicians to tuition masters, use these boards to paste their own posters.
Certain area residents too have even resorted to defacing the boards, in the belief the boards tend to lower the value of their land, according to DMC officials.
The DMC points out defacing these signboard is extremely dangerous, especially as tourists and even locals who are unfamiliar with the area, could become lost in the event of a warning calling for an evacuation.
The DMC urges any person who witnesses anyone defacing these boards to report the matter to by contacting 117.

Having got through exams does not make a man educated. A picture is worth a thousand words

Selfish: From so-called educators to sports-people all have mixed up their priorities

Fortunately a few among us still care for their fellowmen

Brains -this civic conscious person defaced this board believing it lowers his/her land value

What are these people thinking of?

Fortunately a few signboards have been spared

Has the disaster of 2004 already faded from our collective memory that we could sink to defacing boards put up to save lives