Home » Magazine » ArtsResurrecting diverse dance

On August 26 and 27, dance lovers can look forward to a show that will see on stage a wide variety of dance styles- from Rock and Roll, Jazz, Hip Hop, Ballroom and Latin American to Freestyle as celebrated dancer and teacher Naomi Rajaratnam presents ‘Resurrection’. Naomi’s dance extravaganza series started in 2000 ‘With My [...]
Come listen to a serenading family

V3, the family trio that plays music to serenade the soul, covers music from Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and others across a wide spectrum spanning modern classics and retro staples. The three Vittachis are Lenny, the father and senior partner, who has been a member of top folk rock group Flame, then forming the much [...]
Signs of violence that tell a story

Berlin after the Second World War. Contemporary Sri Lanka. The Holy Land– As unconnected as they may seem, these are some of the themes on which Australian architect cum artist Mackenzie Nix has based his work. Living in Sri Lanka and working under architect Channa Daswatte since last year, Mackenzie is holding his first solo [...]