40th Death commemoration of Elvis
View(s):‘Elvis Week 2017’ will mark the 40th Anniversary of Elvis’s passing. This is anticipated to be the largest Elvis Week celebrations to date held in the USA, with thousands of fans from around the world gathering in Memphis to celebrate the life and legacy of Elvis Presley.
Elvis Week will be August 11 to 19 and the foundation has a full schedule of events featuring special guest speakers, concerts events and much more.
This year, attendees will enjoy a special guest segment featuring Larry Geller, who was Elvis’ spiritual adviser and hairstylist. In 1964: Larry began travelling with Elvis to be available to style his hair for concerts, movies, parties, and more. He styled Elvis’ hair for nearly a dozen movies. Following the event, Larry will be signing autographs.
Elvis Presley Fan Club of Sri Lanka too is organising a commemorative programme on Elvis on 16th August on Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation – SLBC.
Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977) was an American singer and actor. Regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, he is often referred to as the ‘King of Rock and Roll’or simply ‘the King’.

Elvis Presley