More than just baby blues

Dr. Thilini Rajapakse discusses a hidden suffering- Depression in the postpartum period The family didn’t think anything of it, until Chaya said she was leaving home. She had been much quieter than usual for the past two months, irritable at times, and lying in bed during the day, but they attributed all this to the [...]

By Dr. Nirmala M. Pieris We all know the expression ‘Go bananas’ a term usually used when we are extremely excited due to pleasure, anger or even surprise, but it has nothing to do with bananas. However, the banana for sure is something to be really thrilled about, well known as an energizer providing a [...]
Treat atrial fibrillation before it turns deadly

Want to prevent deadly strokes in the elderly — screen them for the common heart condition, atrial fibrillation (AF), and treat it with anticoagulant medications, a new study has found. Atrial fibrillation, MediScene learns, is a quivering or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke and heart failure. As such, an international [...]
Mental ill-health and mental disease – Is there a difference?

By Prof. Raveen Hanwella The terms mental ill health and mental disease are used synonymously but are they the same? Is good mental health the absence of mental illness? It would be like saying that good physical health is the absence of physical illness. Let us take two persons both of whom have no physical [...]
From foetal formation to old age; it’s a must have

In our series on ‘Essential Minerals’, today, we feature Copper Copper-rich food By Dr. Nirmala M. Pieris Copper is a key trace mineral that is vital to the health of the body from foetal development right through to old age. As it is a trace mineral, it is needed only in small amounts, but without [...]
Tomatoes may fight stomach cancer, new research

By Claudia Tanner For Mailonline Tomatoes can slow down stomach cancer, according to a new study. The popular Mediterranean fruit inhibits cell growth when eaten in its entirety, researchers found. This finding could pave the way for studies focusing on preventing the condition, as well as using diet to support conventional treatments, they said. Such [...]