FALLEN KIDS : Sending positive vibes through their music

Asiri Perera and Tso Roshan were best friends in school owing to their similar taste in music. Back then the two young musicians could only dream of playing in a band and the music they would make. They randomly reunited 6 months later after graduation and Asiri joined first as a bassist and later on Deva Onel [...]
AFTER IZED rocking Negombo

A similar taste in music is what brought Geeth Fernando, Kavinda Fernando and Aloka Ruwanal together while schooling. ‘AFTER IZED’ the band was formed after they met Dulaj Jeewantha. The band’s favoured genre is thrash and heavy metal. Based in Negombo the boys have begun exploring new ways in music these days. The band’s current [...]
Chris Brown in trouble again

Hip hop/Pop star Chris Brown has begun the 2017 on a bad note. Brown who has been on the wrong side of the law for ages got involved in an heated exchange of words at a fitness club in New York on 6th January. The 27 year got into an argument with the management of [...]
100 Words

Many vastly different yet beautiful idea have come in to the page on Listen. They range from religion to love, perhaps informing us of the importance of putting this little word to action. The theme for February is ‘Brevity’. Please send in your contributions by Jan 31, 2017 to Madhubashini Dissanayake-Ratnayake, C/o The Sunday Times, No. [...]