Home » ColumnsMobitel engages Etisalat

Mobitel, the mobile phone operating arm of Sri Lanka Telecom, has been given the go ahead to explore buying out Etisalat. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Matters (CCEM) has said it could carry out “a study on technical and due diligence” of this subsidiary of the leading telecom operator in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) [...]
As SLFP crisis deepens, UNP comes to the President’s rescue

PM and his party leaders lead onslaught on ‘Joint Oppostion’ and its protests; Sirisena gives top priority for legal action against Rajapaksa family Compromise reached on controversial Port City Project; No compensation for Chinese company, but lots of other concessions By Our Political Editor Even before the ‘Joint Opposition’ protest march from Kandy ended in [...]
The Phoenix in the Lions rising from the ashes
My dear Angelo and the Team, I am writing to congratulate you on your magnificent — if somewhat surprising — win over Australia in the test match in Kandy yesterday. You have confounded the pundits and defeated the team which was crowned world test cricket champions just a few days before the game began! In [...]
Containing communal conflict vital for economic development
The violence at the University of Jaffna on July 16th has brought to the forefront once again the need to contain communal conflict to ensure the progress of the economy. It is imperative to nip in the bud such communal tensions that could ruin economic growth once again. Another setback to the economy due to [...]
Advocating a sensible strategy for the OMP Bill

Even from a fairly prosaic standpoint, the Unity Government’s proposed Office of Missing Persons (OMP) Bill has all the explosive potential of a double edged sword. This is the first prong of the Government’s promised package of transitional justice reforms originating from the 2015 United Nations Human Rights Council resolution. Undermining from within Unlike Commissions [...]
Has JO lost its mojo?

Joint Opposition’s long crawl on the road to nowhere By the time the Joint Opposition make their five-day downhill crawl from Kandy to reach the capital tomorrow, they will find that instead of their declared aim to topple the Government succeeding, they have lost their mojo somewhere on the road to Colombo. Their amulet lies [...]
Consultants galore in this land of kiri (ella) and pani

It was not too many moons ago that the loquacious Rajitha Senaratne, minister and cabinet spokesman, claimed that the condition of some of our roads demanded that ministers and others of such elevated status straining every sinew to serve the people, need to have comfortable (not to mention expensive) vehicles to perform their sacred duties. [...]