Home » ColumnsPM: Kadirgamar killing linked to Rajapaksa deal with LTTE

Bombshell charge made in Parliament, former President shuns right to reply; ‘white flag’ killings raised in the House Ravi promises revolutionary Budget on November 20 but Germany’s envoy says no movement of economy Probe on Avant Garde and secret Dubai accounts broadened; State agencies brought into probe That roads in the Greater Colombo area are [...]
Passports to fame or was he framed?

My Dear Wimal sahodaraya, I thought I must write to you when I heard that you were the main actor in a drama at the airport the other day, getting arrested, detained and then finally being bailed out all because you got your passports mixed up. So, instead of visiting Europe, all you got to [...]
Who can hold whose NIC
A group of ticket inspectors of the Ceylon Government Railway or ‘CGR’, as it is better known, boarded a train bound from Panadura to Maradana. This was at Ratmalana.Learning from their past mistakes, one of them stood guard at the entrance to compartments whilst others began checking tickets. Not surprisingly, nearly a half of those [...]
Unified approach to inevitable truth way forward to reconciliation

The much anticipated two-day adjournment debate on the resolution on Sri Lanka adopted by the UNHRC last month, saw a fair share of predictable views being expressed by some MPs. However, the release of the reports compiled by two local Commissions that looked into human rights related issues in the country, widened the scope of [...]
From paediatrics to geriatrics caring for health needs

The rapidly rising ageing population is increasing the demand for healthcare for illnesses associated with longevity. The country’s public health system that has achieved much in the past is heavily geared to improving maternal and child health and fighting infectious diseases. There is now a need to shift the emphasis from paediatrics to geriatrics and [...]
On preposterous claims and respecting the law

In the wake of the turbulence caused by the September report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) on Sri Lanka, it is uproariously funny to see Rajapaksa propagandists exerting all their strength to lambast the filing of individual petitions by Sri Lankans before the Geneva based United Nations [...]
Impartiality and truth are not western monopolies

It is not of such profundity that great minds grappling with the physical and metaphysical problems of the world are needed to expound it. It is a simple truth, it is something that is experienced in the life of an average man (DH Lawrence said there was no such animal but never mind). Experience shows [...]
Richie Rich: The nagging quandary of Lanka’s own poor little rich boy

Imagine this Sunday morning you had arisen from your bed to discover that you had a secret off-shore bank account in Dubai. Shocked? Surprised? Then imagine further it had one billion US dollars stashed in it in your very own personal name. The account is so hush-hush that, until this morning when you stumbled out [...]