Stilt fishermen of the southern coast

Stilt fishing, termed as ritipanna, is a traditional fishing method practiced by fishermen along the Southern coast, mainly in areas like Welipenna, Koggala, Kumbalgama, Aranwala, Midigama, Thalarambe and Kathaluwa. These are the fisher folk who engage in fishing from a narrow pole tied to a stick installed on the sea bed. For the scenic picture it [...]
Kids world
How I spent my April holidays I was waiting eagerly till my April holidays arrived. Finally they came after my exams. First we planned to go to the hill country. Therefore we packed our suitcases with clothes, books to read, maps, a camera and a binoculars. We left early morning to Bandarawela. On the way [...]
Kinder Care Montessori sportsmeet

Kinder Care Montessori sportsmeet was held at Shalika Grounds on April 8, 2015.