A sea of hope to see the Pope

Driven by faith and determined to see Pope Francis on his historic visit to this island last week, they came in their numbers, undaunted by the prospect of a long wait. That they would not have much by way of food and shelter or that the ground beneath them was hard and stony did not [...]

Abolish preferential voting system instead of legalising wasteful practices Recently, it was highlighted in the National Press that polls laws are to be amended with the limited objective of relaxing provisions related to campaigning. Our immediate response to this exercise is why not legalize ‘kasippu’ (Illicit liquor) also at the same time because the police [...]
The altar cloth – A story in fabric and thread

Some years ago, while on a trip to Europe, my daughter and I had planned to go to Italy. She was going to take me to see the Vatican. It had been a long-unfulfilled dream to visit the Vatican and maybe, just maybe, get a glimpse of the Pope. I had heard of the Pope [...]
Taking what’s still a man’s world by the wheel

Driving a bus is not a vocation that Sri Lankan women favour. Nevertheless, Hewa Halpage Lakshi Sajintha, a 35-year-old mother from Matara took that bold stride into the male- dominated world last year, by taking charge of a bus plying the Southern Expressway route. If you want to catch a glimpse of this courageous woman [...]
Get set for an outdoor party with DJ ANTHIK!

Mainstage Events presents headliner DJ ANTHIK on January 24, in what promises to be the hippest and most happening party of the season redefining day to night entertainment with the Global Art of Mixing. The Global Art of Mixing brings together some of the most talented artistes on stage for an eclectic mix of musical [...]
Come March, it’s going to be ‘Old Girl Power’
Similar to the recent shift in Sri Lanka’s political landscape, Colombo too will soon experience a dynamic revolution as “Old Girl Power” debuts in 2015, co-opting March’s traditional, “Big Match Fever”. Kicking off with a cycle race on March 1, 2015, it will peak with an invitational sports meet to be held at the Sports [...]
Inside his shoes

Sunil Samaratunga sits in his store, surrounded by hundreds of shoes. Over the years, ‘Sunil’s’ has become synonymous with good leather, but for the shoe maker all his decades in the business have been somewhat lonely ones. Describing himself wryly as the “last of the Mohicans,” Sunil tells the Sunday Times that shoe making is [...]
Giving heart to poor patients

It was an auspicious start for all those out there who have been grappling with heart problems but did not have the money to meet the expenses of cardiac surgery. As the first day of the New Year welcomed amidst the crackers and the rejoicing, edged into morning, a team of doctors and nurses of [...]
Mystery of half-broken granite statue of Lord Buddha in Kerala

Sweating in the heat and dust of the 20-minute bus ride from Alappuzha town, we finally arrivd in Karumadi, a village 17 km away from Ambalapuzha, Kerala. It was a clear day with the sun lighting up the green paddy fields. Birds flew over ponds trying to catch small fish. Villagers in colourful sarees and [...]
A little nudge to make a change!

Adrian McInman is admonishing a group of fully grown men on their sleeping habits. “Eight hours gentlemen,” he says sternly. “I asked you to get 8 hours of sleep and only three of you managed to do it.” The grown men in question, a group of strapping young swimming coaches, look at him sheepishly. He [...]
Sketching out a wider audience for political cartoons
A newspaper cartoon is a powerful communicator – an illustration drawn to represent a current event or a personality in a satirical but comprehensible manner, it can depict complex ideas and convey a larger meaning. As the old saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” A cartoon too, we might add. In a [...]
Lankan artists make a splash in London

For 14 Lankan artists, it was recognition of a different kind at ‘Serendipity Revealed’, an exhibition of contemporary Sri Lankan art at the Brunei Gallery in London. Some 8000 people visited the exhibition over a 10-week time span, making this exhibition, an immensely satisfying investment of time for curator Annoushka Hempel. The Brunei Gallery is [...]
Telling the stories of a lost generation

A 29-year-old Sri Lankan commits suicide in Thailand – agonising news for parents and friends. Two younger men meet with their deaths speeding at 3 a.m. after partying. A mother of another 23-year- old responds “This is a wake-up call to all young people” . Author Thisuri Wanniarachchi, barely 21, has with deep perception, woven [...]
Unmasking the masks

K olam, Thovil, Sokari and the like used to be vital components of Sinhalese village life well into modern times. These night-time rituals were anticipated by villagers for the excitement of their drama, colour and devilry- which were just as important as their religious aspect and healing faculties, though today these rituals seem anachronistic to [...]
Fascinating travel accounts of the island from the past

I am often asked what are the best books on Sri Lanka from the past. It’s not a difficult task as literati as diverse as Sir Samuel Baker, Anton Chekhov, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, D.H. Lawrence, Pablo Neruda, Sir James Emerson Tennent, Arnold Toynbee, Anthony Trollope, and Mark Twain are just some of the cosmopolitan [...]

F. N. (Nimal) Senewiratne Remembered with respect and gratitude It is with a heavy heart that I pen these words about a dear friend, who left us suddenly just a month ago. Despite the little or no intimation of his death, a large crowd turned up at his home and at the “Nisala Arana”, General [...]
The medicine of today: ICAUST 2014

‘Ayurveda the Medicine of Today’ was the theme of the 2nd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine (ICAUST) 2014 held in December by the Institute of Indigenous Medicine (IIM) together with the University of Colombo and the University Grants Commission (UGC). The keynote addresses at the inauguration held at the Water’s Edge [...]
In pursuit of justice with truth!

Today is Day Nine. And there are miles to go before the emerging Republic can say it sleeps. And that the polity it represents can sleep soundly. Because, appearances notwithstanding, the erstwhile regime certainly does not sleep with the fishes. Days gone by have demonstrated that there’s life in the Old Order (even if it [...]
UMT’s new programme to build future of youth
The Unity Mission Trust (UMT) will travel to Jaffna to conduct an integrated project from January 23 to 25. This Special Integrated Project to build the future of youth is a follow up programme that seeks to bring together student leaders who have attended Unity Camps and who will have recently left school. The programme [...]
Heart of melody

Blodwen Magnolia de Silva Weeratunga is a name synonymous with church music. An important and significant part of her life has been in training young people to sing. Her father had read the classic ‘How Green Was My Valley’ and decided that his first daughter would be named Blodwen. The family’s life was knit around [...]
Lankans to receive Queen’s Young Leaders Award
Kavindya Thennakoon and Thejitha Saubhagya Edirisinghe from Sri Lanka are among 60 young people from across the Commonwealth who are being recognised as exceptional leaders in their community. These 60 young people are the first ever to receive a prestigious Queen’s Young Leaders Award, the British High Commission said in a press release. The Award, [...]
Chefs Guild wins big at Culinary World Cup
The last time we spoke to Manoj Pieris he was packing to leave the country. This time around, he was all smiles – the youngest at just 25 of the 18-man squad of chefs who put Sri Lanka on the culinary map by garnering notable success at the Culinary World Cup held in Luxembourg in [...]
Sitarist Niladri Kumar to perform at Indian Republic Day celebrations

As a part of the 66th Republic Day celebrations of India, the Indian Cultural Centre is organising an evening of musical fusion by renowned Indian sitarist Niladri Kumar and his troupe, on January 25 at 7 p.m. at the Bishop’s College, Auditorium, Colombo. The programme is being organised with the support of the Indian Council [...]