Sunday Times 2
Udayakantha new Surveyor General
View(s):P.M.P. Udayakantha, an Additional Surveyor General of the Survey Department took over duties as the Surveyor General with effect from May 30.
A Physical Science Honours Graduate of Ruhuna University, Mr. Udayakantha had his primary education at Galagedara Primary

School and his secondary education at Nugawela Central College. He joined the Survey Department as an Assistant Superintendent of Surveys in 1983 and obtained a First class Honours Pass in the Higher Diploma in Surveying from the Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Diyatalawa, receiving the gold medal awarded by the Sri Lanka Surveyors Institute. He obtained a Masters Degree in Geodetic Science from the Ohio State University, USA in 1988.
He worked as a lecturer at the Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Diyatalawa and later working as a Senior Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Land and Land Development, contributed to improving land registration and to developing the Bim Saviya programme.
While working as Senior Deputy Surveyor General (Mapping), Mr. Udayakantha worked as a member of the editorial committee of Sri Lanka National Atlas and initiated programmes to expedite mapping activities. Currently he is a member of the National Steering Committee appointed to establish a National Spatial Data Infrastructure allowing better and efficient use and sharing of Geospatial Information which will have a great impact on development activities.
He is vice chairman of the Land Survey Council and will take up duties as chairman with his appointment as Surveyor General.