Sunday Times 2
Slow reactions could mean an early grave
If you are slow off the mark, you won’t just get left behind. You might also die young.
A study found that men and women with slow reaction times were at higher risk than others of an early grave.
Even those in their 20s and 30s were at risk. The British researchers said that lack of alertness seems to be as dangerous as smoking. It is thought that a slowing down of the brain could be a sign of a more general deterioration of the body. If more research confirms the link, GPs could use a reaction time test as a quick and simple health check.

People with slow reactions are more likely to be killed in accidents but they are also more likely to have heart attacks and strokes (Reuters)
The researchers, from Glasgow and Edinburgh universities and University College London, analysed information on more than 5,000 Americans who had done a reaction time test when aged between 20 and 59.
This involved nothing more complex than sitting in front of a computer screen and pushing a button every time the number zero flashed up on it.
The volunteers did the test 50 times and their speed and consistency was measured.
Those who were slower were 25 per cent more likely to die over the next 15 years than those of average speed.
Those who were slow on some occasions and fast on others were also at higher risk of an early death, the journal PLoS ONE reports. Reaction time was not linked to deaths from cancer but was linked to dying from a heart attack or stroke. Further analysis showed the results couldn’t be explained away by other factors such as those who were quick off the mark simply being brainier or younger.
Lead researcher Gareth Hagger-Johnson, of UCL, said: ‘Our research shows that a simple test of reaction time in adulthood can predict survival independently of age, sex, ethnic group and socio-economic background.
‘It is just one risk factor but it is one we don’t normally think about. We think about smoking, we think about cholesterol, we don’t think about reaction time.’
He said that the speed at which the brain responds may mirror the general state of the body.
This means that slow reaction times could be a sign of other illnesses. Other more simple reasons include those who are less alert being at higher risk of accidents, such as walking out in front of traffic. Dr Hagger-Johnson said that if the link is confirmed, GPs could use a patient’s reaction time as a measure of their health.
This could lead to them being more closely monitored or given specific treatments.
In the meantime, he advises that people eat well, exercise, stop smoking and get their five-a-day.
He said: ‘For now a healthy lifestyle is the best thing people can do in order to live longer.’
© Daily Mail, London