9 years and below | Write not more than 150 words on ‘If I were a teacher.’ Rainbow Magic – The Weather Fairies Goldie the Sunshine Fairy by Daisy Meadows Fairyland is home to the seven Weather Fairies! They use magical feathers to bring all of the weather to Fairyland. But when the feathers disappear, the weather [...]

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9 years and below | Write not more than 150 words on ‘If I were a teacher.’

Rainbow Magic – The Weather Fairies Goldie the Sunshine Fairy by Daisy Meadows

Fairyland is home to the seven Weather Fairies! They use magical feathers to bring all of the weather to Fairyland. But when the feathers disappear, the weather turns wacky. The Weather Fairies must fix it – fast! Goldie the Sunshine Fairy’s magic feather has disappeared. Now Wetherbury is so hot and sunny that the cornfields are turning into popcorn. What a mess!

10 – 13 years | Write 150 – 200 words about ‘A popular person in your own age group.’

Wild – Monkey Magic by Lucy CourtenayFeaturing tiger cubs, circus bears, swimming monkeys and cute koalas – this is a must-read series for all animal lovers! Twins Tori and Taya Wild disagree about almost everything… except for their love of animals – which is good since their mother fosters all kinds of wild animals so their house is almost always full of them! But now their house has gone up in flames and the family’s animal film 

business is struggling to get off its feet. And as if Taya doesn’t have enough to worry about, Tori is making new friends without her. But when a request comes in for a swimming troupe of monkeys, things are looking up. They’ve got the monkeys – now they have to train them. If only Taya could swim…

It’s lights, cameras, MONKEYS!

14 – 16 years | Write 200 – 250 words on ‘The teachers’ contribution to the progress of a country.’

Escape from Shangri-La by Michael Morpurgo When the strange man who has been watching their house turns out to be the grandfather she has never seen, eleven-year-old Cessie couldn’t be happier-at first sight.

But then he has a stroke and actually has to come live with them. Popsicle, as she calls him, is impossible to live with: moody, forgetful, clumsy. Only Cessie loves him and believes in him.

So when he is sent off to a home for the elderly, she helps him escape and plays First Mate to him on a dramatic night-time boat trip across the English Channel to unravel a secret only the two of them know.

This Morpurgo story makes the reader want to cheer: young people, the elderly, and courage at any age.

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