The second International conference of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka was held last Thursday and Friday at the University premises. The theme of the conference was “Education and Technology in postwar Recovery”. Prof. Jasayath Jamil Ahamed of the Dhaka University of Bangladesh was the keynote speaker at the conference, while the coordinator of South [...]


‘Education and Technology in postwar Recovery’, Eastern University’s international conference theme


The second International conference of the Eastern University of Sri Lanka was held last Thursday and Friday at the University premises.
The theme of the conference was “Education and Technology in postwar Recovery”. Prof. Jasayath Jamil Ahamed of the Dhaka University of Bangladesh was the keynote speaker at the conference, while the coordinator of South Asian Studies at Singapore National University, Dr Ragul Mukerji, also participated in the conference.

Vice Chancellor of the Eastern University, Dr. Kitnan Kobindarajah said that, out of 112 articles received by the University, 61 were selected by an ‘International and National Experts’ panel for oral presentations.

Chairperson of the Universities Grants Commission, Prof. Kshanika Himburegama and the Secretary of the Higher Education Ministry Dr. Sunil Jayantha Nawaratna also participated at the conference sessions.

The second International conference of Eastern University was held at the University premises recently. Professor Jasayath Jamil Ahamed of the Dhaka University of Bangladesh was the keynote speaker, Coordinator of South Asian Studies at Singapore National University Dr. Ragul Mukherjee, along with Eastern University Vice Chancellor Dr. Kitnan Kobindarajah , Dean of the Agriculture Faculty and Convener Dr. K. Sivarajah and University Registrar K. Mahaesan, are seen in the photograph.

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