Funday Times
The unsuccessful Peace Treaty

This article is part of a continuing series on the ‘Mahavamsa,’ the recorded chronicle of Sri Lankan history The rebels surrendered. Kuruppuarachchi made peace with Azavedo. King Vimaladharmasuriya decided to have nothing to do with the Portuguese. Due to the requests from the brave Sinhala people of the Four Korales, he tried again to chase [...]
Funday Times
The months of the year
January We call the very first month January. Pagan Rome had many gods among whom was Janus. It was to honour him that the Romans named the first month of the new year January. He is the god who is associated with Wisdom. He is said to have two faces with one to see the [...]
Funday Times
Kids’ World
A day at Galle Face On a bright and a free Sunday We went to Galle Face To fly my little kite and at the sea to gaze Laughing loudly and merrily on the open space Running about freely at our own pace I watched the ships sailing far out at sea Seated comfortably under [...]
Funday Times
The ICRC is 150 years today
The Red Cross came into being at the initiative of Henry Dunant, a Swiss businessman and philanthropist, who assisted wounded soldiers at a huge military battle in a place called Solferino in Northern Italy in 1859. Seeing the suffering on the battleflied Dunant lobbied political leaders to take action to protect victims of armed conflicts. Henry [...]