ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 52
Financial Times  

Companies Act in limelight at Biz Club

With all the ‘hot and cold air’ being blown over the ‘New Companies Act’ that became operative this month, The Sunday Times Business Club will tackle the issue with a top company lawyer coming in to discuss the act at the club’s next meeting.

Arittha Wikremanayake, senior partner at Nithya Partners and a former Director-General of the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) will speak on the New Companies Act and its salient provisions on Monday, May 28, 2007 at 6.30 pm at Colombo’s Cinnamon Grand Hotel, the club host.This will be followed by a discussion. In recent weeks, there have been several seminars, discussions and debates on the new laws governing the corporate sector. Many of the issues relate to governance and accountability of directors while small shareholders lament that they are unaware of the provisions of the new law, a charge rejected by the authors of the Act.

The Club brings together 30-40 young business leaders (CEOs/senior managers) and management professionals aimed at guiding young leaders in business and society.

In a related development, the Club, which is being energized by a new strategy and new host hotel, has a few vacancies for high calibre candidates to become members. Details could be obtained through an email request from The Sunday Times Business Editor at

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