ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 39

Only money talks if you need to jump the queue!

I refer to the letter by C.L. Jayaratne that appeared on 11.2.2007, regarding the “parent visa” applications of the Australian High Commission.

Mr. Jayaratne has drawn attention to the “queue system” adopted by Australia, where aged parents have to wait for at least six or seven years in the queue after being passed.

Many of them will no doubt die before their turn arrives and Australia will benefit from the large sum payable as application fees.
Mr. Jayaratne calls it an “inhuman” queue. I fully agree with him.

Further, an applicant in the queue is permitted to pay a large sum of money (a virtual bribe of 20,000 Australian dollars) to ‘jump the queue’. So, money talks.

It is high time, that the Australian Government thought of doing away with this ridiculous queue system and permitting those who are passed to immigrate thereafter without delay.

By G. Samarakone, Nugegoda

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