

Rebel PA member gets TNA time
PA National List MP V Putrasigamani was given time by the Tamil National Alliance to speak during the budget debate yesterday after his party refused to allocate time for him.

Last month, Mr. Putrasigamani had crossed to sit with TNA MPs in protest against a PA decision to go ahead with a mass rally on Deepavali day. Mr. Putrasigamani has also been vocal in his support for the peace process initiated by the government.

"Whatever side we are on, we must support the Prime Minster and his efforts to solve the ethnic problem," he told parliament amidst applause from the few government members present at the time. On Friday, Mr. Putrasigamani raised a privilege issue saying he had been threatened by a PA legislator outside the chambers.

He said he was being taunted and obstructed from going about his business inside the parliament building. Deputy Chairman of Committees Siri Andrahennady said he would bring the matter to the notice of the Speaker.

Meanwhile, Mr. Putrasigamani told The Sunday Times he had refused to appear before the three-member PA disciplinary committee as he believed the committee could not be impartial. He said he would defend himself if a different committee was appointed.

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