Financial Times

Sri Lanka's position at talks

The Law and Society Trust (LST) has organized a conference to discuss Sri Lanka's position on trade issues at the forthcoming Cancun Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organisation.

The conference, to be held from September 2-3 at the Trans Asia Hotel, seeks to focus on some of the crucial issues Sri Lanka is faced with such as Competition Policy, Agriculture and Services, and analyse the possible positions favourable to the country.

It will draw expertise from activists such as Pradeep Metha, Director Consumer Unity Trust Society, India and eminent lawyers, officials from the Department of Commerce and other Ministries who are currently involved in the WTO negotiations, and academics from Sri Lanka.

Participation of the public as well as private sector organisations and civil society organisations will be highly relevant in identifying the diverse issues which must be highlighted by Sri Lanka, the LST said. Prospective participants should contact the LST.

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