A long standing family dispute resulted in the death of two family members on Friday night in Chulipuram, Vaddukoddai when an argument turned into a bloody clash, police said. Special Security Forces (STF) personnel were deployed in the area soon after the incident to ensure normalcy as a tense situation prevailed among the relatives in [...]


Family dispute leads to two deaths in Vaddukoddai


A long standing family dispute resulted in the death of two family members on Friday night in Chulipuram, Vaddukoddai when an argument turned into a bloody clash, police said.

Special Security Forces (STF) personnel were deployed in the area soon after the incident to ensure normalcy as a tense situation prevailed among the relatives in the area.

According to Vaddukoddai police, the victims were 34 and 56 year old males from the two families which had a long standing dispute over the years. The victims were identified as Sinnan Selvam (56) and Rasan Thevarasa (31) from the same village.

One victim was reportedly killed at the scene and the other was pronounced dead on admission to the Jaffna Teaching Hospital on Friday night.

Vaddukoddai police have arrested three over the incident and are searching for another 10 people involved in the attack.

Locals said that there had been tensions between the families since Thursday and on the following day, a group armed with sharp weapons and swords carried out the attack on the family members. The Mallakam Magistrate visited the scene and instructed police to arrest all those involved in the attack.

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