The detoxing system in our body is quite powerful with the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, respiratory tract, skin and lymphatic system playing critical roles. In the fast-paced world we live in, this system can be under considerable pressure as while it is hard at work eliminating toxins and invaders, there is a continuous overload of [...]


Simple foods with detox power


The detoxing system in our body is quite powerful with the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, respiratory tract, skin and lymphatic system playing critical roles. In the fast-paced world we live in, this system can be under considerable pressure as while it is hard at work eliminating toxins and invaders, there is a continuous overload of substances that strain the natural process. The substances include pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals and chemicals.

Detoxing is thus important to flush out toxins accumulated in the body. This will not only make us feel healthier physically, but will also help to lift mood, energy, and even our immune system.You can do this easily with specific and simple foods that will have other health benefits as well.


Lemons stimulate the release of enzymes and convert toxins into a form that can be easily excreted from the body. A slice of lemon in hot water is a simple way to start a detox. Lemon water when metabolized in the body produces alkaline by-products that helps balance the acidity of foods. Add a few slices of ginger or a sprinkle of turmeric and a pinch of pepper to enhance the detox process. The citric acid in lemon helps preserve the natural ability of the liver to detox.


Ginger stimulates digestion and cleanses build-up of waste and toxins in the colon, liver and other organs. Ginger tea, prepared by steeping slices of fresh ginger in hot water will give the best benefits. Add fresh ginger to as many dishes as you can, or grate some ginger and toss it in the juicer with apples, carrots and a little lemon juice–it tastes great.


The primary active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants. This makes turmeric a most important detox additive that is super helpful in cleansing the kidney and liver.  Always use black pepper with turmeric as the piperine helps to increase curcumin absorption. Add to curries, rice, soups or even blend into a smoothie.


Garlic does not directly flush out toxins, but contributes to detoxing as it helps increase the production of the important antioxidant glutathione. This filters toxins coming out from the digestive system while also helping the liver in getting rid of toxins. Raw garlic provides optimal benefits. Chop or crush and add to a salad dressing or use with tomato on top of pasta or bread.


Beetroot literally pushes toxins out of your body making it a great detox food. Beetroot contains a group of phytonutrients called betalins that supports detox by amplifying specific enzymes that support the liver. It also provides abundant nutrients and is full of magnesium, iron, and vitamin C. Use it in a salad, soup or even as a drink, or combine it with carrot and apple.


Cabbage is a great detox food. Like other cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts, and bok choy, cabbage contains sulforaphane, a chemical which aids the body in the fight against toxins. Cabbage also contains glutathione; an antioxidant that helps promote the liver function. Eating it raw in salads is best, if not steam or sauté. Always stick to short cooking times.


Apples are rich in the soluble fibre pectin that will help purge toxins from the bloodstream. Pectin also helps in detoxing metals such as mercury, lead and additives. Both apples and apple juice are recommended prior to a liver cleanse because the malic acid in the juice helps to open the ducts that run through the liver, allowing the liver to be more easily flushed.


Some plants can bind to heavy metals and help to excrete them. These plants are known as “chelators” and cilantro is one of them. Cilantro enhances mercury excretion, decreases lead absorption and is also a brain booster. It is good in salads and makes a good detox juice in combination with lemon, ginger, cucumber and green apples

Fresh fruits

Fresh fruits are fibre rich and play a key role in a detox diet. Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they help improve digestion. Acidic fruits such as grapefruit, pineapples, oranges, and tomatoes are all especially detoxing. Start your day with cut fruit or a smoothie and then snack on fruit when hunger strikes or eat with your main meals.

Probiotics & Prebiotics

Probiotics (or good gut bacteria) help intestines release toxins and waste products.The most popular are curd and yoghurt. Other bacteria fermented foods such as sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, and pickled vegetables are also good. Prebiotic foods, serve as fuel for the probiotics. These include ash plantains, onions, leeks, asparagus, greens, beans and oats.

In addition to all this if you really want to detox continuously the first thing is to stop bringing toxins into your body by starting with the food on your plate. Then eat and drink as many detoxing foods and beverages as possible to keep your body clean and healthy.


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