The Volkswagen Beetle Owners’ Club, which began in 1997 and having an active membership of over two hundred and fifty,  has made arrangements to hold the annual “Pride of Ownership Drive” on Sunday the 10th of April 2016. This annual event has carried on unbroken for the past seventeen year and this year too, the [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

17 years of ‘Pride’, Volkswagen Beetle Owners’ Club celebrates


The Volkswagen Beetle Owners’ Club, which began in 1997 and having an active membership of over two hundred and fifty,  has made arrangements to hold the annual “Pride of Ownership Drive” on Sunday the 10th of April 2016. This annual event has carried on unbroken for the past seventeen year and this year too, the Club has made every endeavour to assure the participants of a memorable day’s event as in all past ‘Pride of Ownership’ Drives.

This year too, the Hilton Colombo has come forward to host the Grand Start of this event which has become somewhat a traditional start for the “Pride of Ownership” drive and the Club wishes to convey their gratitude to the Hilton Colombo who so graciously have come forward to sponsor this “all-important” event in the clubs activity calendar.

By popular demand , the drive will head southward in parade form to settle under the palms of the Eden Resort and Spa based in Beruwela. The venue has proven to be the best for the “Pride of Ownership” with Mr.Eksath Wijerathne and his team who come-up with a fantastic ambience to ensure the participants have an enjoyable stay at the Eden which has become the preferred venue for this “family” oriented event.

The Club also wishes to convey its gratitude to the LOLC Group of Companies who has come forward as the main sponsor of the “Pride of Ownership” drive who extend their unstinted support towards the activities of the Club.

As in the past sixteen years,  there will be fun games for the adults as well as the kids that will be followed with the fellowship lunch and the awards ceremony with a  club give-away  that is specially turned out for the event.

As in all past drives VW  Beetles ranging from the early Split Glass to the present day New Beetle and the Flower Power Vans are expected to participate at this grand event.

Those who are interested in participating this event contact the Secretary Nalin Perera on  (0717268998).


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