ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday February 3, 2008
Vol. 42 - No 36

Have we measured the cost of this traffic mess?

Severe vehicular traffic congestion is affecting many cities including Kandy, Ratnapura, Galle and Colombo. Congestion is particularly bad during peak hours surrounding opening and closing times of schools and offices.

There are many direct and indirect costs of vehicle traffic congestion that will have adverse effects on motorists as well as the economy of the nation. Direct costs include waste of time and money by way of fuel costs. Indirect costs may be environmental pollution, stress-related ill-health, financial loss due to loss of business and loss of productivity. Clearly the list does not end there.

Understandably the causes are multiple - narrow roads, an excessive number of vehicles and poor road manners and poor road planning and traffic planning.

Recently some efforts have been made to ease the congestion through the conversion of some roads in Colombo to 'one way'. Colombo is not the worst affected city in the world but it certainly is amongst the worst affected cities in the world. Are we happy with the situation? Do we need to take action?

Has any person or authority/institution done any research on the costs of traffic congestion in Sri Lanka? Let the public, politicians and the authorities know the results. I am sure the figures will be stunning!

It is high time we take action. I am no expert on 'roads' or 'traffic'. The intention of my letter is to invite a continuing discussion forum on this important subject. Let the experts and the public contribute. Let the experts research. Let's get out of this mess!!!

By Dr. Pradeep Samarakoon, Colombo 5

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