ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday January 27, 2008
Vol. 42 - No 35

What if …

By Smriti Daniel

You say you're used to being a city kid, and that that's never going to change. But imagine this: One day, you're on your way from Melbourne to Colombo – and your plane crashes on a mysterious tropical island. You survive; with only a few artistic scratches, you even manage – against all odds – to still look pretty.

Now, in the long term, you're going to have plenty to worry about – including the crazy people who were on the island first, the crazy people who were on the plane with you (and whom you're now going to have to live with), and just for good measure, what may very well be a crazy mechanical dinosaur. But your choices in the short term aren't pretty either. Could they pay you to take it on? Would you be entertaining and enterprising enough to qualify?

Take the quiz and find out how you'd fare in the wilderness that is one of the most popular television series ever.

1. Priorities. Priorities. See if you've got yours straight:

a) Scavenge whatever you can then find a defensible position and settle in for the night.
b) Deal with any injuries, while mobilising your fellow crashees to find medicines and bandages.
c) Light a signal fire and pray like mad.
d) Look for your dog and let your daddy worry about what to do next.

2. You're out of fresh water and you desperately need some more. A good way to get some is to:

a) Take a nice, deep swig of seawater.
b) Make a divining rod from a forked stick, walk around until the stick dips, then dig in that spot.
c) Kill Sawyer and drink his blood.
d) Walk down into the valley in the hopes of stumbling upon a - gasp! – cave with fresh water flowing through.

3. The best food sources available in the wilderness are:

a) Whatever you can find in the plane's larder that isn't rotten already.
b) The beach is your buffet – help yourself to any unsuspecting crustaceans or molluscs.
c) Wild boar, freshly caught and still squealing.
d) Fresh sashimi courtesy a violent Korean.

4. The good thing about being lost is that:

a) You can slip off your handcuffs and hot foot it into the jungle where they'll never find you.
b) It's the most effective rehabilitation programme ever. You're soon going to be drug free, my boy.
c) You finally get a chance to spend some real quality time with your son.
b) Almost miraculously you are cured after years of being paralysed from the waist down – and now its time we talked Mr. Indian Jones.

5. The "Others" are not your favourite people because:

a) They have electricity, and books and CD players! On a deserted tropical island! Crusoe sure would have a thing or two to say about this.
b) Their idea of showing you a good time is a fancy breakfast for two by the beach, followed by some hard physical labour.
c) They keep insisting that you're 'special.'
d) Unimaginably, these weirdoes actually choose to stay here - without a McDonald's in sight!

6. You really want to get off this island. Your best option would be:

a) Trying to get the radio working. Unfortunately, the fact that the desperate French woman hasn't had much luck in 16 years has a decidedly dampening effect.
b) Light a signal fire, even if this means hanging out on the beach where dinosaurs roam.
c) Building a raft and heading out to sea – be prepared to find the ocean currents unsupportive though.
d) Be really, really nice to the rescue team.

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