ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday November 4, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 23

Scoring Table

1. b) "I think I have the longest name," laughs Chuti, who now tops out at 6 feet. FYI, he weighs 185 pounds, boasts a waist size of 33-34 inches, and wears size 10 in shoes.

2. c) "Immediately after I left school, I worked in a small restaurant. The first salary I got from it was given to a friend of mine to start a poultry cage. But he spent it in vain. My mother still continues to remind me of that."

3. b) Ranjan recounts meeting an elderly woman, desperately looking for someone to donate blood to her son. "I thought that it was an excellent opportunity to be of assistance to someone who needed help," he says, adding that despite being too thin and not having eaten that day, he donated his blood. He recounts "…but suddenly I felt dizzy. Thereafter I can remember only that I fell with a big thud. I had fainted. However it was a loss to the hospital, because they had to give me back twice the amount of blood that I gave."

4. c) Of the convent girl, Ranjan reveals that he was most shamelessly tricked into "swallowing a dead rope." Too shy to approach her himself, he had a classmate give her little notes and gifts. Unfortunately, his liaison turned out to be the girl's boyfriend, who not only kept the gifts but faked responses. The romance died, not with a bang but with a whimper; however, the question remains: was she laughing?

5. b) "In which profession do they come to your house, give money, allow you to love, dance, and sing with girls? In which profession are you admired this much by the public? Is there a purpose of existence for the mankind without art? Therefore, I love this sweet profession."

6. a), b) or c) "Many astrologers had predicted that he would become a famous actor when he started his career. He thinks that there is some force in the sun, moon and stars, which controls the universe. Ranjan who believes in astrology and rebirth, hopes to be born again as an entertaining artist amongst the people."

7. c) 'He leads a healthy life and he has a special message to the youth. "If you refrain from smoking and consuming alcohol, have a balanced diet of natural food that we have got consisting of vegetable and fruits, and perform physical exercises, there will be no fear of the ailments such as cholesterol or diabetics. Even if you are a King, there will be no use of such person if he is ill.'"

8. a) and possibly b) "However, love is a beautiful offence that does not require being pardoned… A person should not be forced to marry because it is a violation of human rights. There should be freedom. It is better to have freedom rather than being tied up. It is because of this that I like the concept of living-together. Some people live a miserable life after marriage with thousands of inconveniences. It is better to be free like a herd of deer."

9. b) 'During his schooldays (in 1979 to be exact) he held a one-man art exhibition comprising, over 100 drawings and this young man was able to erect an outdoor stage in the school from that income. This stage can still be seen at Marie Stella with the name “Ranjan” visible.

10.c) "The Middle East Refugees Help Organisation, which I founded, was formed to help our people who were facing problems in the Middle East. It doesn't have any involvement from governments or non-governmental organisations.

It is engaged in returning helpless housemaids back to Sri Lanka as well as uniting and uplifting their families, and granting them compensation and other benefits. All this good work is financed by what I earn from the Film Corporation. The satisfaction I gain from doing this work is only second to the satisfaction I receive from acting in movies."

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