ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday September 2, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 14
Kandy Times  

Save Rizana campaign in Kandy

By Malik Gunatilleke

A spiritual campaign has been organized by the Shramashakti organization together with religious leaders in Kandy to save 19-year-old Rizana Nafeek who has been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia. Weekly Bodhi Poojas and other religious ceremonies have been organized in Kandy where over a thousand devotees gathered to pray for young Rizana’s release.

The Shramashakti organization
conducting a meeting in support of Rizana

The Bodhi Pooja campaign which began on August 8 at the Getambe Temple in Peradeniya was followed by weekly religious gatherings at Catholic churches, mosques and kovils in Kandy. Central Province Councillor Shanthini Kongahage told The Sunday Times the campaign was launched to show the solidarity of the people for Rizana as well as to seek divine assistance in the matter.

“We are conducting Bodhi Poojas every Saturday and we hope to do so until we see Rizana freed,” she said. She said that apart from the Poojas, Catholic services and Muslim prayer meetings have also been held within the past few weeks where over 500 people gathered to pray for Rizana.

She said a Catholic service was held for Rizana at 11 a.m. on August 24 followed by a prayer meeting at the Kandy Mosque at 1 p.m. Ms. Kongahage said religious ceremonies were also organized at Hindu kovils.“I informed Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Bhaila of our efforts and he said he would participate at the final Bodhi Pooja,” she said.

Rizana’s parents have also been asked to participate in the religious ceremonies while religious heads of all denominations will also be invited. Ms. Kongahage said until the legal issues were sorted out, this was the only way in which the public can get involved in a matter that truly concerns them.

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