Share holder value and economy
How much does shareholder value relate to the economy? This is a highly debatable question. The purpose of this article is to highlight the key factors in the economy which may influence the shareholders wealth in general.
What is an economy?

An economy is where businesses, individuals and government entities interact together and provide services and value to each other. Economies will in turn deal with other economies and this is today known as international trade
What are the key measures of an economy’s performance? An economy’s performance would be indicated by factors such as:

Interest rates
These factors will affect shareholder value.

This is a frequently spoken word in our country. It can be simply defined as the fall in the purchasing power of money. All of us know that today we can’t buy the same goods which we bought in 1996 with Rs100.
This is because of inflation. Companies post their earnings in money value. In a high inflation environment a company will have to post above inflation earnings growth and ensure its share prices are raising at an above inflation rate if shareholder value is to be maintained. The Central Bank in Sri Lanka publishes annual inflation rates. It is possible to work out and see how many companies have achieved real growth.

Interest Rates
This is a critical component of the economy. Lower rates will allow easy raising of capital, therefore higher investments resulting in more profits.
Lower interest rates will also stimulate consumer spending in terms of credit cards, leasing, mortgages, personal loans, bank overdrafts etc. Higher spending will lead to higher corporate profits. The opposite would occur when interest rates go up and could lower the earning potential of companies.

As unemployment increases there would be a drop in purchasing power in the economy.
This would result in lower level of spending which would eventually eat into the earnings of companies. The unemployed will take less mobile phone calls, will eat out less and most probably will not take mortgages or buy cars.

Growth is where the economy is increasing its output. Technically this should result in better incomes for all in the economy. Corporates should post better earnings and there should be higher personal income for individuals. This again would result in higher spend which would further boost corporate earnings.

Message to the Investor
Compared to many countries in the world Sri Lanka’s economy is quite volatile due to external shocks and internal management issues. This will definitely influence shareholder value. Despite good strategies and a business model the wealth may not be as high as it should be.

The only way Sri Lankan listed companies can overcome this problem is by taking their products to other markets which have different economic dynamics and thereby creating stable and sustainable shareholder value. Many companies such as JKH, Hayleys and Aitken Spence have already undertaken such initiatives with a high level of success.

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