TV Times

Dance the body music with ‘Misty’
Misty, the popular dance band will come alive on New Year's Eve Dinner Dance at the Water's Edge with the Gypsies. Apart from the New Year's Eve Dance, the band will be in action at the Millennium I.T. Dance at the Colombo Plaza on December 18 and number of Christmas gigs during the coming weeks.

The band Misty has played more than twenty five dances and number of concerts in and out Sri Lanka during this year, making the most sought out dance band of the year.

'Tour to France in May and perform at the at the Cannes Film Festival ("Festival du Cannes")along with Channa Upuli and their dance troupe was the most outsatanding event in our musical career. I think we were the only Sri Lankan band to have played at Cannes Film Festival.' Said Ranjith Rupasinghe, the leader of the band.

The band is about eight years old, the limelight, and the popularity they have gained is much high. 'ITB in Berlin in March was a big event too and SriLankan Airlines new destinations launch ceremonies in China and Thailand in June were some of the outstanding events' he said.

Misty has played for more than 10 SriLankan Airlines events in Frankfurt, Paris, Dubai, Pakistan , India and most recently in Thailand and China. said the leader. Misty stepped in to the Sri Lankan music scene in 1998 as a trio. Ranjith along with his pals Marlon Mendis and Viraj were together for nearly two years, before they decided to go as a full band.

Tour to Bahrain to perform the annual Sri Lanka Club Gala Evening at the Crown Plaza Hotel and Tour to U.S.A. to perform at the annual Ananda / Visakha College "Unity ball" in New York in September and October were other top tours in 2005. 'We also played at the Lanka Lions Night at the Ramada Renaissance in Dubai last month' Ranjith said.

St. Peter’s College ball, DSS Dance, Trinity Dance, Old Bens and Mahanama Dance along with MAS Holdings, Mardi Gras Ball, Access, Architect Dance, Zonta Club Dance, Apparel Ball, Architect Ball, HSBC Ball, Uva Club Dance, Freight Link Dance, Tea Traders Ball and Union Assurance Ball were the major dances they have played in this year.

Ranjith some time goes solo for gigs 'but I always give preference to the band and we work as a team' he said.


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