Mirror Magazine


Do you make love or war?
Do you spread goodwill and calm in your wake? Or do you leave an aftermath more akin to a tornado? Are your close personal relations angelic or hellish? Do you cherish or wreck? Support or trample underfoot? Don’t be too sure you know the answers. This quiz may open your eyes to the real you.

1. Someone is rude to you in a shop. Do you:
(a) Pretend not to notice
(b) Walk out
(c) Walk out, muttering audibly
(d) Speak back so politely you hope they’ll cringe inside
(e) Give them a severe tongue-lashing?

2. What do you wish for:
(a) Money
(b) Power
(c) Tranquillity
(d) Health
(e) Happiness?

3. Your “best friend” owes you money and is showing no signs of paying it back. Do you:
(a) Forget it
(b) Keep hoping, but say nothing
(c) Start hinting
(d) Ask if there is any chance
(e) Threaten that the friendship is over if it is not cash, now?

4. Which of these has contributed most to the rising divorce rate:
(a) More people can afford it
(b) People are more selfish than they used to be
(c) There is too much sexual freedom
(d) Loyalty does not seem to be valued any more
(e) People are more willing to admit mistakes?

5. You suspect your partner’s illness is faked. Do you:
(a) Challenge him
(b) Start dropping hints
(c) Watch carefully for signs that you are right
(d) Wait and see
(e) Indulge him - he obviously needs a little spoiling?

6. You have won the lottery. Do you give your partner:
(a) All of it
(b) More than half of it
(c) Half of it, or you spend it all together
(d) Less than half of it
(e) Nothing?

7. Which of these qualities do you think is the most important for a successful marriage?
(a) Freedom from money worries
(b) Tolerance
(c) A sense of humour
(d) The ability to bounce back
(e) Freedom to do as you please?

8. Which of these comes closest to your view?
(a) Rows are not good for marriage and should be avoided
(b) Rows are not good for marriage and should be avoided at any cost
(c) Rows are inevitable but should not be too frequent
(d) The rows you have matter less than the quality of the making up
(e) Rows keep a marriage alive and exhilarating?

9. You find out that your friend’s husband is having an affair. Do you:
(a) Tell her
(b) Start dropping hints and hope she will work it out for herself
(c) Say nothing
(d) Tell him you know
(e) Tell him you will tell her unless he ends the affair?

10. You are at traffic lights and the neighbouring car is obviously planning to race you. Do you:
(a) Bend over the wheel in concentration
(b) Pretend to ignore it - then put your foot down and catch him unawares
(c) Take off at your usual pace
(d) Go slow -who needs aggro?

11. When you hear of a woman who manages a full-time job, keeps a beautiful house and always turns her children out marvellously, do you:
(a) Wish you could be like her
(b) Thank goodness it is not you
(c) Think it is too good to be true
(d) Think she is a professional martyr
(e) Hate her?

12. Do you think women who protest outside missile bases are:
(a) Courageous but foolish
(b) Courageous and wise
(c) Unrealistic
(d) Dangerous
(e) Idealistic?

13. Did your own parents:
(a) Argue a lot
(b) Argue sometimes
(c) Argue very rarely
(d) Never argue
(e) Never argue in front of the children?

14. Do you have the feeling that your life is:
(a) A roller-coaster ride
(b) An adventure
(c) A fairy story
(d) A battle plan
(e) A logistical exercise well under your control?

15. When your partner says something that upsets you do you:
(a) Sulk
(b) Feel your hackles rise -and show it
(c) Hit back
(d) Hide your spontaneous reaction
(e) Refuse to let it upset you?

What your score means:
You are at war with yourself, your loved ones and the world. There’s nothing wrong with being nobody’s doormat, but being over-aggressive has two disadvantages. Firstly, it uses up so much of your energy that could be used more constructively and enjoyably. Secondly, it is counter-productive. You will get more of your own way if you tread softly rather than go in with all guns blazing.

You make love, rather than war. Of course, you are not perfect. You have your faults, your selfish ways, your grumpy days. But, your head and your heart both have the gift of loving. You understand how to put others before yourself, how to step into their shoes and see life their way, how to wrap your love around them when that is what they need most. Carry on loving.

This is not love or war, it is surrender. It is not loving or lovable to let people walk all over you. Loving is an equal relationship in which giving and the taking should be done in equal proportions. You are all give and no take. Take care, or the real you will vanish inside your martyr’s mask. Indulge yourself a little and learn to be more demanding. People will start to take notice when you do.

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