Financial Times

Hemas Group opens 'Piyawara' Centres in Matale, Kurunegala

The first two in a series of nine Piyawara Centres sponsored by the Hemas Group of Companies were opened in Matale and Kurunegala recently.

'Piyawara' is a community service project initiated by Hemas in association with the Ministry of Social Welfare to promote higher standards of early childhood development, by setting up model centres and creating awareness throughout Sri Lanka, the company said.

Hemas has pledged a large sum towards the project over the next two years to upgrade and develop nine government-run pre-schools in Jaffna, Gampaha, Kurunegala, Matale, Badulla, Polonnaruwa, Batticaloa, Ratnapura and Matara.

These two Piyawara Centres - at Tanne in Matale, and Gettuwana in Kurunegala, are assisted by the Hemtours and Hemas Manufacturing Sports Clubs respectively. Both centres have been completely renovated, landscaped and supplied with the required educational and play material.

Hemas' Corporate Communications Manager Shiromi Masakorala said that teacher training workshops and frequent paediatric clinics are already being conducted at the Piyawara Centres for the benefit of the students and teachers, and will be done so on a regular basis. She added that seven other Piyawara Centres are expected to be opened during the course of the year.

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